Youtube feed extract fail


Is there a way to get the excerpt of youtube video when scraping a youtube RSS feed?

Even with autodetect_on_failure + excerpt=1 i am still getting [unable to retrieve full-text content]

Thanks again for the AWESOME support and sorry for asking so many questions :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately YouTube doesn’t present much HTML in its response, so there’s little for Full-Text RSS to work with.

But our default behaviour is to return an <iframe> with the YouTube video as the item content. You can see how we do that here: (basically following the URL in the <link rel="alternate" type="text/xml+oembed"...> element using the single_page_link directive and then returning the contents of the <html> element found at that URL.

This actually does work, but the servers hosting our free Full-Text RSS service are blocked by YouTube (probably because of too many requests). So you’ll have to try from a server that isn’t blocked to get the iframe and not the “[unable to retrieve full-text content]” message.

Hope that’s some help.