Wrong credits number

My account says that I have “21 / 60 credits left this month,” even though I have not sent 39 articles to my Kindle in February – I see just 15.

Thanks for reporting this. We’ve made a change which we think fixes the issue which has affected some users. Should not happen next month when credits reset, but if it does, please let us know.

My account is also showing the wrong credits number

Hi there, there was an issue last month which we fixed. But credits might show lower than they should be if your account is not logged in, or gets logged out.

If you’re not logged in (if you see ‘Sign up’ and ‘Log in’ links in the Push to Kindle preview screen), please try logging in.

If you’re already signed in, can you please try logging out by clicking the ‘Patron’ button and then ‘Log out’, and then sign in again.

Let us know if that fixes it.

thanks very much. it worked.

I see that you’ve explained this to me before. I must remember how to do it without bothering you again.

thanks again.

jeff probst

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