[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Hi Yuhoo!

You tried to create a full-text-feed from only one article! :wink:

Try this URL in you Fivefilters-App: http://amanz.my/feed/

The result: http://ftr.fivefilters.org/makefulltextfeed.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Famanz.my%2Ffeed%2F&max=3

Sorry, I don’t understand the issue. Can you elaborate?

Hi Keyvan!

If I get it right, you killed the original Post by a guy called Yohhoo! Saw it yesterday. MM replied to it.


Oh, that’s strange. I don’t remember doing that (might be a glitch in the system). Will have a look.

Thanks for explaining. :slight_smile: