I am trying to create a rss feed for : https://twitter.com/BarackObama
How would you do to get the tittle, the description including text + img (if any), and pubdate ?
Thank you in advance for your help,
just exchange twitter.com by nitter.net and be amazed
similar thing you can do with instagram, by the way.
Good tip. To get an RSS feed from Twitter, here’s what you’d do with nitter.net:
- Start with the Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/BarackObama
- Replace ‘twitter.com’ with ‘nitter.net’: https://nitter.net/BarackObama
- Add ‘/rss’ to the end: https://nitter.net/BarackObama/rss
Here’s an example of what Nitter returns in its RSS output:
<title>John believed that in all of us, there exists the capacity for great courage and a longing to do what’s right. We are so lucky to have had him show us the way. I offered some thoughts today on his life and how, like him, we can give it all we have. https://obama.medium.com/my-eulogy-for-congressman-john-lewis-101ea5eb49d1</title>
<description><![CDATA[<p>John believed that in all of us, there exists the capacity for great courage and a longing to do what’s right. We are so lucky to have had him show us the way. I offered some thoughts today on his life and how, like him, we can give it all we have. <a href="https://obama.medium.com/my-eulogy-for-congressman-john-lewis-101ea5eb49d1">obama.medium.com/my-eulogy-f…</a></p>]]></description>
<pubDate>Thu, 30 Jul 2020 20:47:25 GMT</pubDate>
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