This page won't load


The page IMMuB | Notícia - Tambor de Crioula do Piauí: A África Brasileira won’t load.

The “Loading Push to Kindle…” overlay appears, but won’t budge. After a while, it changes to “Sorry, something went wrong…”

Thanks in advance for your help.

IMMuB is using JavaScript to fetch the real content from a different site.

For FulltextRSS I could manage to catch the real content via next_page_link.

But that does not help for Push to Kindle, I just get the title :frowning: Even when using the real content link directly:

Maybe you could look into this. Maybe it is because the large base64 encoded images instead of weblinks or P2K is blocked by r2?

Hint: In wallabag I only get the literal <img> code.