Replace feed tag with value of another tag?

I’ve got a RSS feed where the <item><link> value is a link to to feedproxy instead to the original blog posst which is readily available in <item><guid>:

  <title>Amazon Kids in Deutschland jetzt auf dem Fire TV verfügbar</title>
  <guid isPermaLink="false"></guid>

I want to replace the value of with the value of item.guid. Is this even possible?

Bonus question, can I extract info from within the item.description to use it in Since the ?=1044124 is also not the final link, it’s just a redirect in this case. The final link is extractable within the description tag.

I want to replace the value of with the value of item.guid. Is this even possible?

Kind of. You can’t get Full-Text RSS to use the GUID value, but because the <link> URL results in a redirect, you can tell Full-Text RSS to use the final URL it processes after following redirects. To do that, you append the query string parameter:


For example:

Full-Text RSS always places the effective URL (ie. the one landed on after following redirects) in the <dc:identifier> field, but with the request parameter above, it will replace the <link> URL with it too.

So instead of


you’d get


Bonus question, can I extract info from within the item.description to use it in Since the ?=1044124 is also not the final link, it’s just a redirect in this case. The final link is extractable within the description tag.

The solution above will solve the issue for you in this case.

But in situations where the link should be extracted from the item description, you might be able to accomplish it with a site config file and using the single_page_link_in_feed directive along with the query string parameter above. See Site Patterns | Docs