Recipes on not properly converted

Hi, I thought I’d try push to Kindle (via the iOS bookmarklet) on a recipe. It did not work, the ingredients and most of method were not captured, making push to kindle unusable for recipes on the site:

This is the URL I tried to push:

Welcome @Ezra,

thank you for letting us know. The Website changed their layout, so the existing config isn’t working.

Good news is, I wrote a new one, which is working already with “Full-Text RSS”. But I need to make more checks tomorrow before I push that new config live.

So, the new config is online now. Please retry. If you are using the browser plugin, a still image of the video will inside the catch, but it won’t play on click.


Thank you, it works now. Only slight glitch is the inclusion of an extraneous line: “Recipe continues below advert” a couple of times amongst the relevant text.


Can’t find recipes with that advert line in. Could your provide some direct article links, @Ezra?

For me that line appears on the Moussaka recipie I linked above. Maybe it’s specific to mobile browsers? See screenshots below:

awkward, I don’t see this adverts on my desktop browser. Even when deactivating ‘uBlock origin’ and using a public DNS resolver instead of my ad-blocking PiHole. Do you have this on your desktop browser too? Because your screenshots are from your mobile. I can see this textline on my iOS device too, but NOT the advert itself.

Try to just push just the URL to P2K


Thanks, switching off “Browser retrieved content” as you suggested gets rid of the spurious text (and also the video thumbnail, though I’m not really bothered by that).

I’ve not tried from desktop yet, most of my web browsing these days happens on mobile. I’ll take a look when I can and report back.

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