I am using nitter.net/TwitterUsername/media/rss to fetch pictures from a twitter account, and I need to remove text from both the rss entry title and rss entry content. And I wish to remove “Line Break” signs from the entry title.
Problem: When I insert text into “remove text”, it only removes this text from the entry title, so I am forced to use the title which contains unwanted linebreaks.
How to remove LineBreak signs from the RSS entry titles?
or else: Howto remove text from the RSS entry content?
Can you please provide the Feed Creator URL with the parameters you’ve entered so we can look into it.
The problem here is that the preview doesn’t include the actual HTML in the feed description. The title contains “#sustainable future” but the description contains “<a href="...">
future”. So you need two removal strings. See:
If you click “RSS Feed” you’ll see the actual content in the description items - they may not always be plain text.
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