iOS Push To Kindle app does not appear in Share Sheet for NYTimes App

The new iOS app appears in the share sheet for many content apps – e.g. Safari, Boston Globe – but not for the New York Times App. I believe NYT app shares URLs just like these other content apps so it should be easy to have Push To Kindle app be including on the share sheet, but there does not appear to be any option for this now. Is this something Push To Kindle developers can fix?

Thank you for reporting this. We’re looking into and we’ll update when we know more.

Just an update to say we’ve submitted a fix for this in version 1.4 which is currently under review with Apple.

We found the New York Times iOS app marks its article share data as the rather vague ‘plain text’ type when a user taps ‘share’. Most other apps (including browsers) use the more specific web URL type, which apps like ours use to determine if it’s something that the app can accept and handle, or not.

The new version of Push to Kindle, once it’s approved by Apple, will show up in the share sheet for apps like the New York Times. We’ve added code to try to extract the URL from the text (if it contains one).

Unfortunately it will also show up for other apps which use the plain text type, e.g. the Notes app, which might give some users the impression that the content can be pushed to their Kindle. In these cases we look for a URL in the text that’s passed on to us and use the first one we find as the article URL, or we’ll show a message saying no URL was found.

Thanks for reporting this.

Quick update to say version 1.4 of the app is now available on the App Store. If you update your copy, you should find it will now work with the NYT app. Thanks again for reporting this.