Images Self-Hosted


Having same issue as-

I note that in debug mode the only difference between my site and FF when extracting content was the following line-
“Stripping 10 elements with inline display:none style”

I do not wish to enable Tidy due to other issues it can cause to my sites.
Did you plan to integrate into FTR or is there another fix?

Appreciate any help,


Can you give us the URL you’re trying to process, and the URL to your hosted copy of Full-Text RSS? You can email this to us at

You may experience different results when comparing against our hosted copy if you don’t have Tidy enabled. We are looking at other options to improve HTML parsing, but no concrete plans yet.

Thanks for your reply!

Yeah I don’t want any SEO rewrite issues, etc. by enabling Tidy; I’ll shoot you an e-mail with details.
