Help with creating RSS feed for betting site

I am using and following the guide. I think I understand the concept. If it works you get the overview after clicking preview button of which elements that has the html-code you have chosen in the “looks for links inside”.

I am trying to create an rss feed on

I get the hmtl code: " Sprint - Fristil - Vinner", so it must be “sm-CoupounLink_Title” we are looking after? I see the pattern if I see the html code on the other headliners I want the rss feed to discover. But when doing this I do not get the preview I want. is the website, and I want to discover when there are new headliners.

I am using as the rss program btw

Hopefully someone can help me :slight_smile:

Unfortunately sites that require Javascript to display their content, such as this site, don’t work very well with Feed Creator at the moment. We do have plans to improve support for such sites in the future.