Find & replace in items title

For some reasons i need to replace some characters in the items title with nothing
lie this :
replace (‘a’ ‘’)

how can i achieve this?

I have tried this:

title: replace_string(a): b

in the site patterns with no luck


Hi Adnan, you cannot replace strings within the title, but you can replace globally. So instead of:

title: replace_string(a): b

you will have to do:

replace_string(a): b

Of course this might affect content in the body too.

Well, i have tried this

replace_string(exapmlewordavailableinfeed): adnan

to test tried to put it after

prune: no

not worked in both body & title, in the end of the file also not worked in both body & title

my version is 2.8, my feed language is arabic

this is my file

prune: no
body: //div[@class=’ main_focus’]/img | //div[@class=‘main_content_ip’]/p
strip: //iframe[@id=‘iframe1’]

Please note that:

I need to only use this for some symbols like “ & ” not for words

I tried all of it with no luck


Hey, Somebody help!!


hi Adnan,

my suggest, u better using external service to modified, becaus, i use ver 3.2 still can’t replace_string to title… except u have qualified skill on php language, u can modified from makefulltext.php and libraries/*



Sorry i don’t understand you can you please more specific

My version is 2.8

I have no problem with replacing in global if the replace will replace the title & the content because i will just replacing some symbols



i use ver 3.2

when the content want to replace have some symbol on title/content like (&, %, #, ~) it never execute with the engine (for some domain). so, i use yahoo pipes service to replacing that for fast cleanup.

that’s my opinion :slight_smile:
