Feed Creator Opening in Apple News

Whenever I use the Feed Creator with multiple URLs and select Create Simple RSS I’m redirected to Apple News and told the RSS doesn’t exist.

I’m looking to take several URLs to create one feed URL to use in PDF Newspaper (Using the PDF Newspaper from the Feed Creator directly doesn’t produce what I need.)

Any help?



Hi Jason, can you tell us if you’re experiencing this on an an iOS device (iPhone/iPad) or on MacOS as well?

I am using a MacOS. I have tried several different browsers as well.

Thanks for letting us know. We’ll try to implement our own preview here as it seems MacOS forces Apple News to open all RSS feeds, but doesn’t actually support RSS feeds which it hasn’t whitelisted. You might have some more luck in getting the RSS feed URL if you install another RSS app and set that as the default for RSS feeds, but that’s not something we’ve tested ourselves yet.
