Feed Creator, not pulling full article, help!

Hi. Im using feed creator to pull full articles. This site, however, doesnt work. Can you amend it to grab the full content from this page:

https://uk.sodexo.com/media.html (the start page)
https://uk.sodexo.com/media/news-room/iwfm-awards-2019.html (the article page)

I am using “title-4 title-news


This works in Feed Creator to build feed:


Automatic article extraction was not working well on the site, so we’ve also now added extraction rules to improve article extraction with Full-Text RSS: https://github.com/fivefilters/ftr-site-config/blob/master/.sodexo.com.txt

If you try again in a few hours it should work okay.

Thanks for sorting this out. Great service, keep it up

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