Feed Cleanup: Howto remove linebreaks within the title?

I tried removing these line breaks within the title line, but failed:


Hi there, there’s no way to do that at the moment in Feed Creator. But then again, the line breaks in <title> element should not be treated as literal line breaks in any application consuming this feed. They should display as they do in the browser preview when you click the link. Is there a feed reader you’re using where this is not the case?

The browser preview is fine, also the Feed aggregator. But be great if the source code of the feed could be cleaned up for any case.

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Why can I no longer find the parameter “remove” ? It was once to be found under “Feed Cleanup”. It’s not to remove items, but to remove certain strings of letters in from title field, for example. This was quite useful, if the title of every item began with the same (and therefore repeating) words.


That’s available when filtering/merging existing feeds

If you want to generate a feed from a web page, you can specify a CSS selector to remove elements, but we’ve never had a ‘Remove text’ field.

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