Endnotes missing from www.americanprogress.org

Hi, I tried using Push to Kindle on this article at americanprogress.org.

The article text was captured but there are many numbered references throughout the text, which can be shown on the web by expanding an “Endnotes” section at the end of the article. Even if I expand them into view first Push to Kindle (using the bookmarklet in Firefox on Windows 11) doesn’t currently include the endnotes, it would be great if it did.

Thanks for creating Push to Kindle, I find it very useful!

Hi @Ezra, I couldn’t test my new config, because I have to leave home now. Should be live on the next full hour, but I think that it will working then. Please report if it is working now.


Yes, all the endnotes are now included in the version pushed to kindle, thank you!