embed videos object and iframe

Hi, i have tried to identify video objects and iframes using xpath syntax(firepath browser add-on)but nothing seems to work. syntax such as
//div[@id=‘player’] | //*[@id=‘iframe-embed’] | //iframe[contains(@src, ‘dailymotion.com’)]
prune: no

nothing works, what is the correct way to approach this so that i can extract the video onto the feed?

this is the code


Hi Ionnis, can you give me a URL where this embed appears so I can try it with Full-Text RSS? Sometimes these embeds are generated by Javascript and do not appear in the raw HTML which Full-Text RSS received.

Hi Keyvan,

Sorry to bump in this post, but I experience the same problem. I can’t extract embeds onto the feed with xpath.

Example URL:

Could you please advise? Thank you for your answer.

BTW: I love FTR, it is so much value for so little money. Thumbs up and keep up the good work!


Hi Eliana,

Thanks for the kind words.

This particular page relies on Javascript to load the video embeds, so there’s no way yet to grab the video embeds with XPath. Here’s how one of the embeds appear in the HTML:

[Om deze inhoud te zien moet Javascript aan staan in je browser.]

Notice that the actual HTML for the embed appears encoded in the data-original-html attribute. This fragment by itself will not contain the video embed - the site probably uses Javavascript to pull out the embed code from the attribute and place it inside the element. Full-Text RSS does not process Javascript so videos embedded in this way will not be included in the output.

Hope that’s some help.

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