Cannot get rss-feed for any more

Hello five filters support team,

About two weeks ago the following rss feed address stopped getting me any more full-text feeds in newsboat, my text-only feed-reader of choice in Linux Mint 21.3:

Here is the full debug log:

* APCu is enabled and available on server
* Supplied URL:
* Proxy will not be used
* Caching is enabled...
* Cache key not found in APCu
* ** Loading class HumbleHttpAgent (humble-http-agent/HumbleHttpAgent.php)
* ** Loading class ContentExtractor (content-extractor/ContentExtractor.php)
* ** Loading class SiteConfig (content-extractor/SiteConfig.php)
* --------
* Attempting to process URL as feed
* ** Loading class SimplePie_HumbleHttpAgent (humble-http-agent/SimplePie_HumbleHttpAgent.php)
* ** Loading class DisableSimplePieSanitize (DisableSimplePieSanitize.php)
* Fetching URL (
* Starting parallel fetch (curl_multi_*)
* Processing set of 1
* ...
* ......adding to pool
* . looking for site config for in custom folder
* . looking for site config for in standard folder
* ... found site config in standard folder (
* Adding site config to APC cache with key
* Cached site config with key
* Adding site config to APC cache with key
* Cached site config with key
* Checking fingerprints...
* No fingerprint matches
* ... site config for global.merged.ex found in APCu
* Appending site config settings from global.txt
* ......user-agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
* ......referer set to:
* Sending request...
* Received responses
* ... site config for already loaded in this request
* Checking fingerprints...
* No fingerprint matches
* ... site config for global.merged.ex found in APCu
* Appending site config settings from global.txt
* --------
* Constructing a single-item feed from URL
* ** Loading class FeedWriter (feedwriter/FeedWriter.php)
* --------
* Fetching feed items
* Starting parallel fetch (curl_multi_*)
* Processing set of 1
* ...
* memory
* --------
* Processing feed item 1
* Item URL:
* ** Loading class FeedItem (feedwriter/FeedItem.php)
* URL already fetched - in memory (, effective:
* Done!

I hope you can get the feed working again. Thank you in advance!


Weird, I don’t have problems with my self-hosted Full-Texr RSS (FTR) 3.9.13. But when using I got an ‘[unable to retrieve full-text content]’ too. Maybe achgut is blocking the FTR server.

Are you self-hosting FTR (version?) or using the hosted service on|org?

When posting logs or configs, please use the code button </> to prevent the log from being formatted due to * or links or other things.

I am using the paid for hosted service of It may be that is blocking the paid for FTR server on their end, but I don’t have any means to actually confirm that.
Maybe fivefilters-support could look into that directly?

Hi @ThoLan,

You are right that their servers are blocking requests from the FTR servers. In such cases we suggest users set up a Feed Control account and use the proxy feature.