I am self-hosting just FultextRSS at the moment. Today I realized, that FeedCreator is able to merge multiple feeds into one. I have done this with a different product lastly but had timing problems with that.
In my opinion/scenario merging feeds makes only sense when filtering out duplicate articles. FC seems not to be able to do that, or?
e.g. I have ONE newssite with subfeeds for ‘Vienna’ and ‘Austria’. As Vienna is the capital of Austria many articles are found in both feeds. So FC should de-duplicate articles with the same item-URL.
For testing you might want to increase the maximum feed items and maybe set some keep-filter buzzwords, e.g. ‘Wien’.
I got the following result (screenshot):

Hi there, that’s a good point, we’ll try to fix this in the next update.
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I wish you a very happy new year, @fivefilters. I hope things are going well for you.
I would like to kindly add a little reminder to my suggestion from a year ago.
The de-duplicate feature would be essential for me. I would definitely buy the upgrade to FeedCreator for self-hosters, if I could use it to merge feeds and automatically remove duplicate articles from the feed.
The feed links in my example above had been changed, so here is the new one:
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Hi @HolgerAusB thanks for the reminder. It hasn’t been forgotten! Really hoping to get this out in the next update (which is really due very soon).
I would also be thankful for this feature to remove doublicate feed entries.