Sorry if this is a stupid and/or trivial question but as someone with 0 PHP experience googlefu is failing me.
I’ve prepared the environment with ubuntu-22.04.pp puppet script. It installed php8.1-apcu.
Latest FTR version.
But when I do the compatibility test I get that “APC is not available on this server.”
In the admin area, APC is shown:

When doing compatibility test, are you using the script separately or are you starting that one under your Full-Text RSS installation? You should try http(s)://ftr.lan/ftr_compatibility_test.php
Maybe APC/APCu is configured to use within FTR only. But you know, I am not a dev.
It’s using that one.
And APC is empty so definitely not being used, while enabled.
Hi there,
Firstly, APC/APCu is not essential when running Full-Text RSS. You should notice no difference in the output. It simply speeds things up a little bit, especially on servers which process a lot of feeds. So you can ignore that notice if you like.
The reason you see it is because in ubuntu-22.04.pp we don’t install the backward compatibility package for APC. The ubuntu-22.04.pp file is intended for the next release of Full-Text RSS, where the backward compatibility package is not needed. I don’t think we reference the new install script in the installation instructions for any current released version yet (at time of writing the latest version of Full-Text RSS is 3.9.13).
So my suggestion is to ignore the notice shown in the compatibility check script.
Thanks for the response.
Didn’t notice any indication that it’s for future versions of FTR.
Was looking to optimize things a bit since the ProxMox server it’s running has more than enough RAM to spare. Since you say that the difference is minimal, I’ll just ignore it as stated.
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