Another issue with certain site

I need to create feed for this site. I found out, that “event-item__link” class is suitable for my purpose. But Feedrceator fails to extract any content with this option.

Also I tried to generate a feed using “event-item nav-insert” class, but in “simple mode” it contains fake items, which I don`t need to include. And it gives zero result in “advanced mode”.

Use FeedCreator v.2.2.1 selfhosted.

Hi there,

I found out, that “event-item__link” class is suitable for my purpose.

If you examine the HTML on the site you’ll see it uses a somewhat unconventional way of marking up these links:

<a class="event-item__link" href="/news/28450-sakhar-rastet-v-tsene-kontrakty-na-rafinad-uzhe-po-522-t-/#addition-2"></a>

There’s no text inside the <a> element, so not title gets associated with the item. Here’s a way you can handle this using the advanced selectors: Feed Creator (RSS Generator) ·

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Great support. Thanks.
Please, help me with this site. It fails to be fetched.
FeedCreator v.2.2.1 selfhosted

Hi there, this site appears to have a security policy that prevents fetching in anything other than a traditional browser, so I doubt you’re going to get it to work with Feed Creator.

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